mardi 8 juillet 2014

Titanfall - Le DLC Frontier"s Edge annoncé

Respawn Entertainment vient d’annoncer le second des trois DLC pour Titanfall, Frontier’s Edge. 3 cartes seront inclues dans ce pack Dig Site, Haven et Export. Tout comme le premier DLC, il coûtera 10€.

Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied – featuring parkour-style wall running, massive double jumps and the ability to hijack titans. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.

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Auteur : Adrien Amato

Titanfall - Le DLC Frontier"s Edge annoncé

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